Thank you, Wes and Scott. I am starting to grasp the essentials of this now, although the lack of effective documentation is indeed frustrating (and frustrating).
As you have both pointed out, I am going through the API of the module (rather than the core API) so that is coming together for me somewhat. I am using GetTabModules to fetch the collection of modules on my page I created (from the "template page"). I have 19 modules on my page but I still don't understand how I can easily identify the HTML modules I need to update. I have a few HTML modules on the page but there are two in particular I need to update, both in the ContentPane.I am not clear on how I can reference those (just using their index number in the list of modules is obviously something I'd like to avoid, since that can easily change if I add/insert a module to the page).
Is there some sort of ID I can use to tag the HTML module in the template page which would then flow across to the new page, with that ID associated with the HTML module? I could then retrieve the module by that ID (if memory serves, there's a method to retrieve by name, right?).
By the way, one thing that confused me early on was the need to use CopyModules to copy - er - a tab. I would have thought I'd first use something like "CopyTab" and then CopyModules. Logically, I would not have expected to use CopyModules to copy a tab.
Thanks again. Due to the pending expiration of my Professional license this has some urgency (and I'd like to get a lot of work on this done this weekend).