Does DNN using the aspnet_Membership of MEmbership framework storing the password, or it has it's own/another storage?
My issue is, existing DNN installation passwordForward is Encrypted, everything worked good so far.
but now I'm onto integrate it with our web app
which we using custom password encryption.
I can do custom MembershipProvider, but can't overcome the EncryptPassword method , as the password been encrpyy+hash to byte array.
our logic need to work on the actual/original password, string. I can't reverse engine the Membership byte[] password to org text
then I try change the passowrdFormat to clear, trying to tackle at ValidateUser() level
but I can't login in now, the problem is error object is null at DNN login.ascx:
private void OnLoginClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
...var objUser = UserController.ValidateUser(PortalId, txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, "DNN", string.Empty, PortalSettings.PortalName, IPAddress, ref loginStatus);
do I really need to reinstall using passwordFormat=clear ?