OK, we can chalk this up to ID 10 T error, either guy who set the default length (DNN) or guy managing site (me). Let me explain, in ActiveSocial, a default length of 0 meant unlimited, in DNN 0 means 0.
I'm not sure why someone would code default length 0, rather than 10 or 50? Setting it as 0, effectively makes it read only? What is the point of adding a field if you can't write to it? Default settings should make site usable.
If I set it to a non-zero #, I can enter data - as a user.
If I am logged in as Portal Admin or SuperUser, the new fields don't show up at all. There appears to be no way to add new Profile fieds to superusers.
I wonder why we have a different edit Profile form for users and superusers. For instance, for users, I've marked First & Last Name as required but this doesn't show (not enforced) on superuser. Wouldn't it be easier to use same form/logic for users and superusers?
A slight annoyance - on required fields the "lock" button is rendered 1 line below the input box.
The lock icon seems the wrong choice - it's misleading, it should be an edit pencil or something? I know they're trying to indicate how you can lock your posts but when you click, you are editing setting.