Webserver - Running IIS8 on Server 2012
SQL Server - Running SQL2012 on Server 2012
The installation appears to be successful, but when connecting to the site via the browser to configure the site, (ie. http://www.<sitename>.com/dotnetnuke/) I get the following prompt. I've filled out the following.
"Configure database connection"
Select Database : SQL Server 2005/2008 Database
Server : <Servername>\<Instancename>
Database: <Database Name>
Integrated Security : Checked
Run as DBOwner : Checked
Object Qualifier : <Prefix>
When I Click next, I get the following error.
Connection Error(s):
Index #: 0
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Class: 20
Number: -1
And yes, the message field is blank in the error, that is not a typo.
Firewall is not blocking the two servers from communicating, and they are both on the same Network.
Anyone have any ideas?