The Page_Load handler that you posted is that for Edit.ascx which both creates new tasks in the database AND allows one to edit an existing task. The TaskID property (which is defined in TaskManagerModuleBase.cs from which Edit.ascx.cs inherits) picks up its value from the "tid" querystring parameter that is passed to the edit control (from the view controll). If TaskID <= 0 then a new task is being created. If it is > 0 then a previously created task is read from the database and displayed for editing.
You mentioned earlier that new tasks are being added to the database so I would have to assume that the Edit.ascx control is working properly and that the issue of no tasks being displayed lies in the databinding code in Page_Load handler of View.ascx.cs or more likely in the TaskController.GetTasks method which should return a List of Task objects from the database.
Without seeing your complete code and without your being able to set a breakpoint in the Page_Load method of View.ascx.cs I can't offer too many more suggestions. Have you looked at the presumably working source code for the complete TaskManager project available from CodePlex ( and compared it with the code you entered while working through the video series?
In lieu of being able to debug the project in Visual Web Designer you could also try adding the following markup at the very end of View.ascx
<asp:Label id="lblMessage" runat="server"></asp:Label>
and change the Page_Load handler code of View.ascx.cs to
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var tasks = TaskController.GetTasks(ModuleId);
lblMessage.Text = "Tasks loaded: " + tasks.Count.ToString();
rptTaskList.DataSource = tasks;
catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
After you compile the project and browse to the page containing the Task Manager module in your test site you should be able to see "Tasks Loaded: #" where # is the count of tasks read from the database. We'll then know if the Page_Load handler is being called and if tasks are being loaded from the database. You can then experiment with displaying other information to the lblMessage label control.