Basically, yes.
I have one calendar -the master planning calendar - where all event editors enter their events for the members.
There are two basic event types - assignments and training. The members are enrolled in the assignment events by staff (the event editors). Members can enroll in Training events as they desire.
On the "Master calendar", if an "assignment" type of event is in the planning stage, it is given a category of "Provisional". This category is restricted not to appear on the "assignments" calendar which is open to members' viewing. But if they have an enrollment "behind the scenes" by an event editor on some provisional event, this provisional event shows up in their "MyEnrollments" list.
I discussed this with one of our event planners today, and they will develop a workflow to work around this; doing the enrollments just before they change the category from "Provisional" to "Approved". - when it is displayed on the sub-calendar.
It would also be nice to have MyEnrollments to appear on a calendar view, but I know that is a lot of work! Whereas some filter settings on the SQL to generate the rows for the view is not as much work.
Really the Events module is an awesome piece of work! There are already some enhancement requests in the Codeplex that I could use, such as a few more Custom Fields. I use one field for multiple values and have my editors enter a "/" between the different entries, and parse them out in the reporting system.
I disable members from un-enrolling from assignments by setting the "days prior to event for un-enrollment" to a large number. I had to do this setting on all three calendars to get the desired behavior. Unfortunately, this means they can enroll in training events, but cannot remove themselves. It's a minor inconvenience, though. We can work around it.