I'm getting the persistent install starting up, meaning there's an error in how the db is configured and/or the connection string is wrong.
I've restored a 5.4 site restored the db. I have NTAuthority\ system as a user with owner added as a db login. The site folder has necessary user accounts/permissions. Site fires up = IIS 8 is set up. But ... I get the /install/underconstruction.htm. That is Firefox tells me the page is being redirected in a manner that may not complete.
I enter the url dev.skydivecolumbus.com, which is in the LM Hosts mapped to, like dev.skydivecolumbus.com/ into the address bar and this becomes dev.skydivecolumbus.com/install/underconstruction.htm.
OK, DNN is trying to install meaning the db isn't being hit. It thinks it needs to install.
Connection strings are:
<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=DnnRdSdcmhDbWeb; Integrated Security = SSPI" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Data Source=Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=DnnRdSdcmhDbWeb; Integrated Security = SSPI" />
I've tried localhost, the instance name of DESIGNLAPTOP\SQLEXPRESS, the default notation of "." as this is the only instance, etc I've tried SSPI and just plain old "true" for Integrated Security.
I think the strings are OK. There is something I'm missing in the db restore and setup.
I downloaded the super user manual and I'm sorry -- it needs a Quick install card or something. :) i can't find in the 1611 pages a simple "here's how you install DNN" . It must be on page 946 instead of between 1-20 where it should be. :)
If anyone knows off the top of their head what the basic things to check for on the db are, please info me or point me to the page in the manual.