Hi Peter.
Thank you for the feedback. No, it's not a spam attempt. I am testing this feature on the site before we launch our Kickstarter project in a few days and needed mult-lingual feedback from the community as to the accuracy.
We've been testing google's translate service as well as they seem to render similar results.
I have been getting feedback from some users stating that certain languages are heavy on the gibberish, however I am told it is good enough to get the site's point across to the reader. Which I guess is all we can hope for, getting the message across on a website.
Because of the previously mentioned, I am going to go ahead and wrap it this weekend as a DNN module and post it in the DNN store for free.
Free because it's microsoft's product, I just did the wrapping and styling.
Will post back once I get it uploaded to the dnn store so everyone can have it.
Again, thanks for the feedback!