I have a DotNetNuke module that uses a RadGrid with InPlace editing. Markup follows:
<telerik:RadGrid ID="grdGrid" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
AllowPaging="true" OnNeedDataSource="grdGrid_NeedDataSource" OnInsertCommand="grdGrid_InsertCommand"
OnUpdateCommand="grdGrid_UpdateCommand" OnDeleteCommand="grdGrid_DeleteCommand"
<MasterTableView EditMode="InPlace" DataKeyNames="ItemId" CommandItemDisplay="Bottom">
<telerik:GridEditCommandColumn UniqueName="Edit" ItemStyle-CssClass="command-column" />
<telerik:GridButtonColumn CommandName="Delete" UniqueName="DeleteInstallation" ItemStyle-CssClass="command-column" />
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Domain" UniqueName="Domain" />
This code worked correctly with RAD controls for DotNetNuke v.2012.3.1205.40, but in v.2013.1.220.40 (the version that ships with DNN705), the behaviour has changed. The grid does not show a text box for the Domain column when it enters Insert mode. If you click the Insert link, it correctly shows a validation message saying that the field is required, and then gives the expected text box. If you then enter a value and click the Insert link again, you get the following error:
Editor cannot be initialized for column: Domain ---> Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumnEditorException: Editor cannot be initialized for column: Domain at Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditManager.GetColumnEditor(IGridEditableColumn column) at Telerik.Web.UI.GridBoundColumn.FillValues(IDictionary newValues, GridEditableItem editableItem) at Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem.ExtractValues(IDictionary newValues) at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.ExtractValuesFromItem(IDictionary newValues, GridEditableItem editedItem)
This appears to be a bug. Is there a fix for it, or a workaround, please?