OK, folks, I know I'm hosting at Godaddy and it is going to stay hosted at godaddy, for various reasons but if anyone has any inkling on how to fix this, would appreciate it.
I'm using Godaddy's preview dns function to set up a new DNN site versus our old Dreamweaver site that uses a different hosting company and Network Solutions as the domain provider. (Not moving domain provider because other stuff is hanging off of the domain.)
Anyhow, the Advanced site settings has the correct url for when the site goes live, mysite.net/home but when I look at the source, it has the preview dns url hardcoded for the logos and the menu items, which, of course, has to happen to work on it before we move the pointers from Network Solutions.
<a id="dnn_dnnLOGO_hypLogo" title="LOGO" href="http://mysite.net.previewdns.com/home/Home.aspx"><img id="dnn_dnnLOGO_imgLogo" src="/home/Portals/0/GLSS_centered150widewhiteletteingwinstructions3.png"
<ul class="rootMenu">
<li class="item first">
<a href="http://mysite.net.previewdns.com/home/Home.aspx"><div>Home</div></a>
How can I change that if, in my admin control panel advanced settings, I don't even have previewdns as an option, just mysite.net/home
Site Alias Mapping is Canonical
Auto Add Site Alias is checked
Default Alias mysite.net/home
HTTP alias mysite.net/home (nothing else listed)
And any recommendation on the order of doing anything to reduce downtime? Thinking of doing this on a Friday night.
Thanks for any input!