Sebastian, Do you have any idea why the ActivityFeed page behaves so strange?
(I got this piece of code in my skin to display a link to the profile of the current user:
<a href=<%=NavigateURL(PortalSettings.UserTabId, "Profile", "userId=" & UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID, "pageno=1")%>><%=PortalSettings.UserInfo.DisplayName%></a>
My skin is there, I can see all my panes when adding a module, but I can't actually add a module. And moving the only module on that page to a different pane, doesn't stick.
This doesn't seem to be an issue with my skin, it's the same with the awesome cycles skin.
Not being able to add a module to the page, would make it impossible to add a module which downloads the profile picture from facebook. (Or I would have to add it to the skin)
The user profile doesn't seem to be a module I can add to a new page either.