I sometimes have the need for a completely custom page, to be used in an iframe, or as download.
For example: I needed a form to submit to a payment provider. That doesn't work as a module, only because every page is included in a form, submitting back to the host and you can't have a form inside a form. Currently I want to provide an iCalender download, which basically is a text file with just a few lines text, which will you download to Outlook. (which apearenlty can re-download it periodically)
I have no problem building a module which outputs the correct output, but when placed on a page, the DNN scaffolding is added, even when I create a template containning nothing more than "<div class=contentpane></div>" (which is even too much for the iCalendar download).
Is it possible to return just the output of the module(s) an a page, nothing else, while still being able to use DNN's authentication and stuff? (know which user is visiting, which portalID is accessed, disallow access based on the roles, database access, etc.)|
It would be most excellent if I could administer the page just like any other page and just place that one module on it.
I could build a proxy at "dnndev.me/proxy/home.aspx?tabid=42" which forwards the request to the original page "dnndev.me/home.aspx?tabid=42" and returns only the contents of the content pane.
Or I could build some script outside DNN to which I pass all data I would like returned, e.g. "dnndev.me/returnthis.cgi?content=<form%20method=post%20url=paymentprovider.example><input%20>type=hidden%20amount=684></form>" which returns only/exactly the content passed to it in the url.
Or use the srcdoc parameter of an iframe to create an iframe with content "<iframe srcdoc='hello world!'>", but that's html5 and not widely supported yet.
I remember I've read somewhere (was it an dream?) it's possible to request a module directly instead of requesting the page the module is on. I can't find what I think I've read again and I doubt it can be used for what I'm looking for.
Where do I get started with this?