Hi everyone,
The dnnModal is a little annoying. The modal size gets to large if the window size is smaller than the specified size. Also the position of the modal is not completely sized.
Anyway, here is the fix for both. The benefit of using this code is that the code will try to use the size that get's passed into the function. If the browser size is smaller then the size of the modal then it will calculate a new size that will fit into the browser.
( function ( window, $ )
window.dnnModal = {
load: function ()
if ( parent.location.href !== undefined )
var windowTop = parent;
var parentTop = windowTop.parent;
if ( typeof ( parentTop.$find ) != "undefined" )
if ( location.href.indexOf( 'popUp' ) == -1 || windowTop.location.href.indexOf( "popUp" ) > -1 )
var popup = windowTop.jQuery( "#iPopUp" );
var refresh = popup.dialog( "option", "refresh" );
var closingUrl = popup.dialog( "option", "closingUrl" );
var width = popup.dialog( "option", "minWidth" );
var height = popup.dialog( "option", "minHeight" );
var showReturn = popup.dialog( "option", "showReturn" );
if ( !closingUrl )
closingUrl = location.href;
if ( popup.dialog( 'isOpen' ) === true )
popup.dialog( "option", {
close: function ( event, ui )
dnnModal.refreshPopup( {
url: closingUrl,
width: width,
height: height,
showReturn: showReturn,
refresh: refresh
} );
} ).dialog( 'close' );
} else
windowTop.jQuery( "#iPopUp" ).dialog( { autoOpen: false, title: document.title } );
return true;
} catch ( err )
return false;
show: function ( url, showReturn, height, width, refresh, closingUrl )
var $modal = $( "#iPopUp" );
if ( $modal.length == 0 )
$modal = $( "<iframe id=\"iPopUp\" src=\"about:blank\" scrolling=\"auto\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>" );
$( document.body ).append( $modal );
} else
$modal.attr( 'src', 'about:blank' );
$( document ).find( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
$modal.dialog( {
modal: true,
autoOpen: true,
dialogClass: "dnnFormPopup",
position: "center",
//minWidth: width,
//minHeight: height,
//maxWidth: 1920,
//maxHeight: 1080,
width: screenwidth( 70, width ),
height: screenheight( 70, height ),
resizable: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
refresh: refresh,
showReturn: showReturn,
closingUrl: closingUrl,
close: function ( event, ui ) { dnnModal.closePopUp( refresh, closingUrl ); }
} );
var mask = dnn.addIframeMask( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" )[0] );
if ( mask != null )
mask.style.zIndex = 1;
if ( $modal.parent().find( '.ui-dialog-title' ).next( 'a.dnnModalCtrl' ).length === 0 )
var $dnnModalCtrl = $( '<a class="dnnModalCtrl"></a>' );
$modal.parent().find( '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close' ).wrap( $dnnModalCtrl );
var $dnnToggleMax = $( '<a href="#" class="dnnToggleMax"><span>Max</span></a>' );
$modal.parent().find( '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close' ).before( $dnnToggleMax );
$dnnToggleMax.click( function ( e )
var $window = $( window ),
if ( $modal.data( 'isMaximized' ) )
newHeight = $modal.data( 'height' );
newWidth = $modal.data( 'width' );
$modal.data( 'isMaximized', false );
} else
$modal.data( 'height', $modal.dialog( "option", "minHeight" ) )
.data( 'width', $modal.dialog( "option", "minWidth" ) )
.data( 'position', $modal.dialog( "option", "position" ) );
newHeight = $window.height() - 46;
newWidth = $window.width() - 40;
$modal.data( 'isMaximized', true );
$modal.dialog( { height: newHeight, width: newWidth } );
$modal.dialog( { position: 'center' } );
} );
var showLoading = function ()
var loading = $( "<div class=\"dnnLoading\"></div>" );
loading.css( {
width: $modal.width(),
height: $modal.height()
} );
$modal.before( loading );
var hideLoading = function ()
$modal.prev( ".dnnLoading" ).remove();
$modal[0].src = url;
$modal.bind( "load", function ()
} );
if ( showReturn.toString() == "true" )
return false;
closePopUp: function ( refresh, url )
var windowTop = parent; //needs to be assign to a varaible for Opera compatibility issues.
var popup = windowTop.jQuery( "#iPopUp" );
if ( typeof refresh === "undefined" || refresh == null )
refresh = true;
if ( refresh.toString() == "true" )
if ( typeof url === "undefined" || url == "" )
url = windowTop.location.href;
windowTop.location.href = url;
if ( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" ).length > 0 )
dnn.removeIframeMask( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" )[0] );
} else
if ( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" ).length > 0 )
dnn.removeIframeMask( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" )[0] );
popup.dialog( 'option', 'close', null ).dialog( 'close' );
$( windowTop.document ).find( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', '' );
refreshPopup: function ( options )
var windowTop = parent;
var windowTopTop = windowTop.parent;
if ( windowTop.location.href !== windowTopTop.location.href &&
windowTop.location.href !== options.url )
windowTopTop.dnnModal.show( options.url, options.showReturn, options.height, options.width, options.refresh, options.closingUrl );
} else
dnnModal.closePopUp( options.refresh, options.url );
}( window, jQuery ) );
//perc is the percentage of the screen that you want to use from the available height of the screen
function screenheight( perc, preferredheight )
av = $( window ).height();
perc = "." + perc;
pix = av * perc;
if ( preferredheight )
if ( ( av - 50 ) > preferredheight )
return preferredheight;
if ( pix < 350 )
return 350;
return ( pix ); //returns of number of pixels
//perc is the percentage of the screen that you want to use from the available width of the screen
function screenwidth( perc, preferredwidth )
av = $( window ).width();
perc = "." + perc;
pix = av * perc;
if ( preferredwidth )
if ( ( av - 50 ) > preferredwidth )
return preferredwidth;
if ( pix < 350 )
return 350;
return ( pix ); //returns of number of pixels