My website (DNN 7.02.01) www.casabruciata.com in avaible in 5 languages and the full responsive skin doesn't need mobile redirect.
I set into admin > Site-Settings > Advanced Settings > Site Aliases these alisas as primary:
www.casabruciata.com/it - it-IT
www.casabruciata.com/en - en-GB
www.casabruciata.com/nl - nl-NL
www.casabruciata.com/fr - fr-FR
www.casabruciata.com/de - de-DE
Using a desktop browser all website works well; if you try to resize width you can see how works this responsive skin; While you type www.casabruciata.com you are redirect to www.casabruciata.com/en (english is the default language)
If you type www.casabruciata.com into a smatphone or tablet browser, you will'see my website in english the url is www.casabruciata.com; if uou change page you'll see (for exaple) www.casabruciata.com/Farmhouse instead www.casabruciata.com/en/Farmhouse. If you try to change languages it works only if the page has anothore name, but you try to change languages in home (in all languarges has the same name) you'll redirect to german content.
But if you flag "desktop view" into your mobile browser, the website works well!
After doing these tests, I think it is a problem of redirects that the site makes when it recognizes a mobile device. There is a way to prevent device recognition and always behave in the same way?
Thank you