We're on an earlier version of IIS, 7.5. Here's what I see. ASP.Net is installed.

This may or may not be a clue, here are the Handler Mappings for the New Install:

Here are the Handler Mappings for the production installation, note no scroll bar in the above shot. There are several pages of mappings in this shot:
Something didn't happen someplace. Of note is the LogoffHandler* which does live in the working site and this entry in the web config of the new install was throwing an error. I had to add a <clear /> tag above it because it was throwing a duplicate key error.
So ... have we got something throwing loads of duplicate key errors? Here's the shot of the web config I put in another post. Look at the number of <remove name= ... > tags that had to be installed.

This smacks of a *simple* answer ... like maybe I have a jacked install and need to start over? DNN is definitely not this hard.
Anyhow, here's a bit more input. Somewhere ... the penny will drop.