With Display Names set to a User's [FIRSTNAME] in Site Settings >User Settings, I have an issue with the search autosuggest functionality of the Member Directory.
For example there are a number of Jenns, Jennifers, Jens, and Jennies in our User Profile list all with different last names of course.
When we go to search for "Jen", the auto complete comes up only with the first name of a list of possible users, (or possibly the display names of the users), but not their last name, which would be of simple use to further distinguish which Jen, Jenn, Jennifer, and Jennies etc. are the ones we are possibly specifically searching for.
There are no options to choose which Autocomplete values come up in the module settings and this sort of breaks the usability of the module because the autocomplete is quite prevalent when one begins to search for a few letters of a username or detail.
How do I fix this?