no. The table is found in the SQL-Server database. Try the following statement under Host :: SQL:
SELECT PortalID, SettingName, CultureCode
FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PortalSettings
ORDER BY PortalID, SettingName, CultureCode
Then check if you have records with the same values in the fields PortalID + SettingName, and delete the ones which are not in the default portal language, eg. you have two languages en-us and nl-nl, and en-us is the default language, and get two records like this:
PortalID |
SettingName |
CultureCode |
0 |
AllowUserUICulture |
en-us |
0 |
AllowUserUICulture |
nl-nl |
then delete the second one by
DELETE FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PortalSettings
WHERE PortalID=0 AND SettingName='AllowUserUICulture' AND CultureCode='nl-nl'
(Anyway I would wait for Sebastian to confirm that I did understood him correctly...)
Happy DNNing