Thank you for the help! We are using DNN Platform.
We are using Workflow with (typically) 4 states: Draft, Program Review, Comm Review, and Published, with mulitple content editors, mulitple Program Review approvers, and multiple Comm Review approvers.
Currently, when a content editor submits work to the Program Review state (for example), the Program Review approvers receive a Workflow notification that explains "Content on the page at the URL below is in the Program-Review workflow state and requires your review and approval", along with the link to the page/module, and any included comments.
We are telling our content editors to include their name, phone number, and what changes/work they've completed in the Comment box, so the approver can contact the editor if they have any problems.
What we'd like is for the Comment Box and/or Notification to automatically include the editor's name and contact info, so they wouldn't have to include that each time they complete a comment box.
Thanks again Sebastian!
-Roger Harness