"I am not sure
what the question or argument is. MVC
works, but it is built on the ASP.Net 4.x foundation. That foundation has some fundamental
architectural flaws which cannot be fixed without introducing substantial
breaking changes."
If it works why are webform only commercial products in the
market? When software works most developers use it, in Microsoft web MVC
developers run WordPress blogs; while webform developers runs webform, I was part of the Oxite project which later
became Orchard.
"As part of this rewrite they are
removing redundancies in the MVC, WebAPI and SignalR frameworks and combining
them into one stack"
I think SingalR is temporary because messaging is very fast
moving area and WebAPI without MVC is better for single page applications.
"MS will continue
to offer web forms support on the old stack even while they continue to push
forward on the new Core CLR stack.
Likewise, DNN will continue to have a web forms version and will also
have a new MVC version of the platform."
In VS2013 the only thing that works without issues is
webform so there is a lot left out in the hurry to move to MVC, we could use
better answers.
"However, I know
that there are many current and former community members who are looking
forward to working in an MVC based DNN stack which addresses many of the
architectural issues of the platform that we have been forced to live with for
quite a while."
All the webform issues DNN faced was based on your business
structure not webform because Asp.net fixed many of the UI issues DNN choose
not to implement it because DNN was using Telerik which was not running HTML5
pages in their custom controls and editor.
"I am not sure
what to make of content management/user management statement or how that
relates to this discussion."
You are moving all DNN to MVC and user management is one of
the current features that is work in progress, I just want to know how a
security feature becomes a content feature per DNN branding.
Here are some DNN
features that needs immediate attention.
The database is using a long list of obsolete DML and DDL
File Manager Implementation is neutered.
Memory Caching was removed in DNN6
Authentication and Authorization is broken.
Profile and Role implementation is incomplete and barely
And I understand you want the conversation scope to be very