Hi Ernst Peter,
Direct is good :). I "get" the Dutch - had some of the best years of my life living & working n the The Netherlands albeit now three decades ago, loved the place and so nearly stayed permanently that I could now be English/Dutch not English/Australian.
I also fully get the volunteer issue. I very much appreciate the work that you and other contributors put in on the the DotNetNuke community, and the philosophy that originally powered it. I'm also sure I am not alone in this - there are many of us out here who share this appreciation. It's regrettable that others don't - those who seem to think they are somehow 'entitled' to your time and effort for no return. So I am very grateful for your offer to correct the issue in question and 'retro-fit' the fix to 6.2.2. If I can be confident that there will be a fix, then I can manage my customer's expectations in that regard - that customer relations management is pretty much what I do these days. Equally, if the response had been, "no, no chance of a fix" then I'd have accepted that as "one of those things" and worked out an alternative.
Unfortunately I cannot contribute directly; my coding skills are also over two decades out-of-date and I am enough of a realist not to believe I can just 'pick it up' again. Anything I tried to write for you would likely do more harm than good. I try to contribute by, amongst other small gestures, making sure that anything I raise as an issue in any forum or tracking system is well-researched and most likely a genuine bug - the success rate isn't 100% but I try!
Is there anything else I can do to help? It goes without saying that if you need anyone to beta test a new release, both version 7 or version 6, then I will happily take that on. Just for the hell of it I will also pull down the source code and see if I can pinpoint the issue - I used to be (though I say it myself) a damn good diagnostic programmer back in the day but I wouldn't count on me being much use with this fancy new stuff. If you have any ALGOL or COBOL-85 to look at that's a different story! But let me know if anything else that could be useful occurs to you.
Hartelijk bedankt,