Hi Sebastian,
Thanks again for responding and providing that information. I'm having a challenging time understanding the 'Best Practices' of enabling Content Localization. I found this blog article which seems like a pretty good outline -
However, the article seems to imply that you start with a complete single language site then turn on Content Localization (in both the Host Settings and Languages) and let DNN create localized copies of the pages.
Are you saying that it's actually best to turn on CL at the very beginning (such as after installing DNN but before adding pages)?
I am currently starting with a fresh, clean install of DNN 7.4.1 and was planning to recreate my site page by page (using page templates) as a single language (English) site. After that I need to add translations for a couple languages. Down the track, I'll probably have another 2 languages I'll need to localize for as well.
Given that scenario (which others might commonly have), at what point do I enable Content Localization - i.e. before I start building the English site, after the English site is complete and I've added my first 2 languages, etc.?
Thanks again for your help,