I was working with the membership information on my website as members are experiencing issues. I am running DNN 7.3.4 on Azure SQL Server 2014. I was running down an issue with roles and authorization. I executed the following SQL statement:
SELECT TOP (200) dbo.Users.UserID, dbo.UserPortals.Authorised, dbo.Users.Username, dbo.Users.FirstName, dbo.Users.LastName, dbo.Users.IsSuperUser, dbo.Users.AffiliateId, dbo.Users.Email,
dbo.Users.DisplayName, dbo.Users.UpdatePassword, dbo.Users.LastIPAddress, dbo.Users.IsDeleted, dbo.Users.CreatedByUserID, dbo.Users.CreatedOnDate,
dbo.Users.LastModifiedByUserID, dbo.Users.LastModifiedOnDate, dbo.Users.PasswordResetToken, dbo.Users.PasswordResetExpiration, dbo.Users.LowerEmail,
dbo.UserRoles.UserRoleID, dbo.UserRoles.RoleID
dbo.UserRoles ON dbo.Users.UserID = dbo.UserRoles.UserID INNER JOIN
dbo.UserPortals ON dbo.Users.UserID = dbo.UserPortals.UserId
WHERE (dbo.UserPortals.Authorised = 'False')
ORDER BY LowerEmail
I received a VERY surprising result that indicates a data type issue, that may be the underlying issue on the database.
The email column is reported as an "Unsupported Data Type", as are the UserName, FirstName and LastName. As shown below:
The email column is defined as an nvarchar(256) column; yet the results from Azure indicate that the data type is unsupported.
How can this be corrected within the database? Is there a remedy? I have a fully populated database with over 1150 members.