I am trying to find a way to remove the CAPTCHA from our Login dialogue, but leave it on our Registration form.
I have gone to Admin > Site Settings > User Account Settings and checked the "Use CAPTCHA for Registration" box, and I have unchecked the "Use CAPTCHA for Associating Logins" box.
Per another thread in these forums, I also tried going to Admin > Extensions > Default Authentication and unchecking the "Use Captcha?" box. However, when I click the "Update Authentication Settings" box to save this change, the page refreshes, and when I go back into edit mode on Default Authentication, the "Use Captcha?" box is checked once again. I then uncheck it, click the "Update Authentication Settings" button again to save this change, the page refreshes, and when I go back into edit mode on Default Authentication, the "Use Captcha?" box is back to being checked yet again. no matter how many times I try to uncheck that box and save the change, it is always checked again when I go back to edit mode.
I am on DNN version 7.3.4. Is this a bug?
Is there some other workaround that can be done to remove the CAPTCHA from the Login dialogue but not the Registration form?
This has become a real problem at my company and the owner wants it fixed asap. Assistance would be appreciated.