Paydirt! Found the key by the text, finally. Here's the C# Code that triggering it:
void BindTemplates()
var templates = TestablePortalController.Instance.GetAvailablePortalTemplates();
foreach (var template in templates)
if (template.Name == Localization.GetString("PortalTemplateName.Text", LocalResourceFile))
var item = CreateListItem(template);
cboTemplate.AddItem(item.Text, item.Value);
var ourTemplate = TestablePortalController.Instance.GetPortalTemplate(template.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);
if (cboTemplate.Items.Count == 0)
DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, "", Localization.GetString("PortalMissing", LocalResourceFile),
cmdCreateSite.Enabled = false;
I have pushed a template file up but apparently DNN doesn't like what it sees. :) But I've found where to start looking at least.
Does this give you any ideas? There are definitely items for the cboTemplate box to be loaded with but somehow it isn't seeing them.
This is DNN code revised in my module. I'd have to dig for the original code file name, sorry I don't have it to hand.