Hello There: My question deals with the avatar that shows up when dnn:user legacy attribute is set to false.
When this is the case on my skin I get a huge default avatar that
according to firefox firebox inspector as well as chromes firebug
inspector is about 120 X 120. I haven't uploaded a picture yet but I
was trying to see if I could inspect this default avatar in order to
play a bit with where I wanted it to show up on my webpage.
Currently it is very intrusive and anyone who registers for the sight
and doesn't upload an avatar will have this big default image that
comes down from the menu into the content area of the website.
At any rate upon hovering over the line in which the inspector told
me the actual avatar placeholder belonged to on the right inspector
column using chrome another div tag faded in with an id of fbboxmodel.
The bizarre thing to me was that when I hovered off this line of code
the div tag that had just appeared disappeared again and would only
reappear as long as I had my mouse hovered over the line dealing
specifically with that avatar box.
So I guess with that as the background my question is this first off
why does the dimensions of the generic avatar read 120X120 when
apparently it appears upon uploading an image it would be dumbed down to
The other question is where do I find this code snippet with the div
tag with an id of fbboxmodel. I can't seem to even gain control over
this in inspector even when I follow the link which is
Upon going to the aboe link I get the generic avatar at the smaller
size but still nothing in the way of having this fbboxmodel stay on the
screen when I hover off the code even on this page.
So the bottom line is how would I change the position of this
generic avatar to both be in a slightly different location on my page
and shrink to a smaller default image.
Also I don't know much about ASHX files accept I guess they are
suppose to be handler files but I couldn't find this file in the root of
my website as the path suggested it would be. I am assuming it is
somehow do to the dynamic nature of the file but I guess I want to know
where is this gif placeholder image stored. Is it in a database table
and if so which one.
Honestly this is the first time I ran into a situation where I could
absolutely not nail down the path of a given image via inspector as I
couldn't find a hard path to it just this ashx file which seemed cryptic
to me. One place gave me a reference to sharedresources.resx and to
look under property names starting with journel_ for the resource of
this file but even in this resx file nowhere could I find this div tag
with the id of fbboxmodel and no where could I find a path to the actual
profilepic.gif file which appears to be the name of this file when you
right click on it and go to save image as.
So either Sebsatian or another DNN guru who frequents on these forums
would you mind helping me understand a bit about how I can gain access
to this placeholder avatar picture in order to move it out of the way as
well as help me to understand where to find the actual path that leads
to this specific image weather it is in the database or in the
filesystem as I would like to understand more about how this ashx
extension in this care operates.
If a file can be put away in such a stealth way as this it seems to
me it is worth understanding how this all operates as it could be a good
way of protecting stuff you don't want people to easily access on a
whim and take.
So in short how do I go about tracing this ashx file or any ashx file
for that matter to find where the source in this case the gif file is
stored as well as where the properties that place this image in an
absolute position is stored so I can manuevor the left and top margins
as well as shrink the size so it is not such an eye sore.
Thanks, again,