I am getting 500 error after applying changes to the Friendly urls settings under DNN host when using infinity urls module v 2.8.3 .
here is the error I am getting
Url Master Processing Exception:Exception in Url Rewriting Process
Http Status:500 Internal Server Error
Url Master Version:
Original Path:http://qualityborate.the-dev-server.com.192-185-7-207.secure10.win.hostgator.com/Home.aspx
Raw Url:/Home.aspx
Final Url:null
Rewrite Result:[no rewrite]
Redirect Location:[no redirect]
Portal Id:0
Tab Id:-1
Http Alias:qualityborate.the-dev-server.com.192-185-7-207.secure10.win.hostgator.com
Debug Message 1:Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Debug Message 2:(TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS): Stack Trace: at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.IsEditMode() at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabModulesController.GetModules(TabInfo tab) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabModulesController.GetTabModules(TabInfo tab) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabInfo.get_Modules() at iFinity.DNN.Modules.UrlMaster.Entities.TabInfoEx.Clone(TabInfo tab) at iFinity.DNN.Modules.UrlMaster.Data.SqlDataProvider.GetTabs(Int32 portalId, Boolean includeAdminTabs, Boolean includeHostTabs, Dictionary`2& customAli
Debug Message 3:Inner Ex : null
Exception Type:System.NullReferenceException
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack Trace:(TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS): at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.IsEditMode() at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabModulesController.GetModules(TabInfo tab) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabModulesController.GetTabModules(TabInfo tab) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabInfo.get_Modules() at iFinity.DNN.Modules.UrlMaster.Entities.TabInfoEx.Clone(TabInfo tab) at iFinity.DNN.Modules.UrlMaster.Data.SqlDataProvider.GetTabs(Int32 portalId, Boolean includeAdminTabs, Boolean includeHostTabs, Dictionary`2& customAliasTabs) a
I also tried X3 dnnurlmaster module https://dnnurlmanagement.codeplex.com but its not working . Inside custom redirect url under this module I added a custom url /AboutUs/tabid/72/Default.aspx (old site url) and added a 301 redirect to http://newdomainname.com/about-us but when I am visiting http://newdomainname.com/AboutUs/tabid/72/Default.aspx then its taking me to the file manager page under admin.
Please help me fix this issue asap.