We need to move an existing 5.02.03 site to a windows 2012 server and then upgrade it to version 8
The first part is to move the application to the new server.
Once this is installed correctly we intend to do a clean up operation to remove any of the modules that are not used.
The upgrade path we are going to use is
05.02.03 05.04.04
05.04.04 05.06.08
05.06.08 06.02.08
06.02.08 07.03.02
07.03.02 08.00.00
Is this the recommended upgrade path?
We intend to backup the database and code before each upgrade.
After the upgrade we will test the site.
We will not move to the next upgrade until we are happy with the current upgraded site.
If there are any errors when running the upgrade, we will restore from the backups and try to fix the problems before running the upgrade again.
It doesn't seem to be an option to re-run the upgrade wizard multiple times because it doesn't seem to re-start at the beginning on subsequent runs.
Is this correct? should we always restore from backups before re-running the upgrade?
Does this look like a good way to go about this upgrade?
Is there anything else I should be aware of?
One other possible way of doing the upgrade we are considering is to remove all the modules from the 5.02.03 site, then do the upgrades
and once we are on version 8.0 to re-install all of the modules with the latest versions.
This way we wouldn't have to upgrade each module multiple times.
Is this a possible way to do it or is it better to upgrade and test each module with each upgrade?