When running EVS to test my module package, I'm getting this error:
ExtensionMessageID: 991102
ExtensionID: 92166
MessageTypeID: 1
MessageID: 297ccdd3-884f-4cbb-85f0-24c343a9ff2a
Message: While testing against 07.04.00 It appears the extension has created a database object: TestQualifier_VW_Interzoic_LMS_Session with the following error: Could not find object '[TestSchema].[TestQualifier_VW_Interzoic_LMS_Session]' or you do not have permission.
Rule: PackageVerification.Rules.SQLTestRunner
As you can see is the same object, the one that cannot be found, is the one that I'm creating. I installed this without any problems in SQL Server 2008, and SQL Server 2014, and also in Azure Database. Here is the Create View sentence:
CREATE VIEW {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}VW_Interzoic_LMS_Session WITH SCHEMABINDING AS
SELECT [SessionId]
,(select count(SessionSelectionId) from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Interzoic_LMS_SessionSelection S5 where S5.SessionId = S.SessionId AND s5.Status = 1 and exists (select top 1 value from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Interzoic_LMS_SessionIsEnrrolled(S.SessionId,S5.UserId,S.ILT))) as SessionCurrentLearners
,(Case When S.EnableWaitlist=1 Then
(select count(SessionSelectionId) from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Interzoic_LMS_SessionSelection S6 where S6.SessionId = S.SessionId and s6.Status = 2 and exists (select top 1 value from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Interzoic_LMS_SessionIsEnrrolled(S.SessionId,S6.UserId,S.ILT)))
End) as SessionWaitlistedCount
FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Interzoic_LMS_ILTSession S
So, the only thing a little "strange" is the schemabinding, but it is correct, what could be causing this issue? some of our clients run in DNN Cloud, so, I really need my extensions to pass this test.