I have read several posts in these forums where people have had problems running DNN using a database with a case-sensitive collation. I personally ran into several problems with this over the weekend. My SQL Server 2005 installation is configured with a case-sensitive collation, and even though I created a database with an insensitive collation for DNN, I still ran into problems with the stored procedures. After an attempt to correct the scripts, I gave up due to lack of time and installed SQL Server Express with a case-insensitive collation at the server level to get DNN working. (I was installing 4.3, by the way.)
I would like to respectfully request that the DNN developers please test the installation with a SQL Server using a case-sensitive collation at the server and database levels, and correct the scripts that give errors because of variable and column name case differences. I know this would be a tedious task, but it would allow DNN to run without problems in more environments than it currently does. (This is actually the reason why I run my SQL Server using a case-sensitive collation - to discover these kinds of problems as I write software.)
As an aside, I was also surprised at how hidden these installation errors were. The installation screen reported that the site was ready to use, but I visited an empty page and finally saw my first error of a missing stored procedure when I went to the login screen. I had to go find the logs in the database script directory to see what went wrong. I also needed to clear out both the DNN web site and the database to reattempt each installation. (Yes, there's probably a easier way to force a database reinstallation, but I didn't take the time to figure this out.) In my opinion, database script errors should halt the installation and be reported to the user.
Thanks for listening to my minor rant.