I am trying to upgrade one of our environments from DNN 09.01.01 to DNN 9.02.01.
I am doing this by firstly backing up the database and website files before dropping the entirety of the DNN_Platform_9.2.1.533-298_Upgrade.zip files on the top of the website folder. Upon navigating to the site I am getting the following error:
Server Error in '/Stage_584p_Dnn9' Application.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS1501: No overload for method 'GetDesktopModules' takes 0 arguments
Source Error:
Line 45: DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.DesktopModuleController objDesktopModules = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.DesktopModuleController();
Line 46:
Line 47: ArrayList arr = objDesktopModules.GetDesktopModules();
Line 48: foreach (DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.DesktopModuleInfo objDesktopModuleInfo in arr)
Line 49: {
Source File: f:\WebSites\Stage\Stage_584_P_Dnn9\App_Code\IWebCSharp\IWebMethods\IWebMisc.cs Line: 47
I understand that the method header for GetDesktopModules has obviously changed to input the PortalID and IWebMisc.cs is obviously not doing this. I also understand that this is in reference to the IWebs IWebCSharp module that we do actively use for webservice access however the site for this product appears to be offline and speak of the product on the forum seems to have decreased in recent years. I know Michael Washington used to look after this but couldn't see if he had been active on the subject more recently or is still involved or not?
I just wondered the best route forward in regards to this error? I would normally look for an up to date version of the package in question however with what I've mentioned above it seems that this may not be possible. Is IWebCSharp no longer used/supported as of DNN 09.02.01? And are there any alternative approaches in it's place that could utilised?