I can't belive that the DNN 4.3.3 should be a final release. Here my bugl-/missing features list:
1.) When I add a custom profile property this new item cannot be translated from within the portal. The only way to do it is by editing the profile.ascx.resx or profile.ascx.de-DE.resx for my german version. This is a absolute
show stopper because I do want to give portal admins an account at the server console so they can use a texteditor.
2.) In my installation the visibility flags (host, members, all) have a strange behavior. If I change one ore more of them the new settings will not be saved. What function do they have ? I turned them off because I do not want to confuse my customers. ( rofile.ascx (~\admin\Users) line 26: showVisibility="<%# IsUser %>" /> replaced with showVisibility="false")
3.) When I delete a property it is working. But if I delete timezone or language it is not possible anymore that a user can save his own profile ( a null reference exception is displayed instead after clicking the sve button). An admin can save a profile from another user.
4.) When timezone is deleted several modules like Scott McCulloch's PrivateMeassaging doesn't work. It seems
to me that a fallback to the portal settings is missing in the UserProfile class when values are not set.
5.) The visibility flag for a profile property has absolutely no effect. The new value will be saved in the table ProfilePropertyDefinition but nothing happens. If visibility for firstname ist set to false for example it still will be displayed. I tried it with a custom property. Same effect.
So for me this version is still a beta version. I hope that bugfixes will be available soon.
Greetings from Germany

Jürgen Sommer
soVort-IT, Jürgen Sommer IT Consulting
Südstraße 15
61169 Friedberg
Telefon: +49 (0)6031 791 749
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Email: juergen.sommer@sovort-it.com
Web: http://www.sovort-it.com