I don't know if I really missed some message in the installation guide, but I have checked again and again, it has never mentioned the requirement of the SQL Server collation setting. Instead, it provide a wrong information in Page 7 of the installation Guide:
You can also set a custom Collation name, and also choose the file name for the database, but the defaults for all these properties work.
In fact, due to some typo in the installation script, it cannot use a Collation which is case-sensitive. As some variable also have inconsistant case in the script, changing the collation setting for DotNetNuke database still cannot solve the problem, it require the server default collation MUST NOT be case-sensitive. As this setting cannot be changed after server installed, you have to reinstall the SQL Server in order to change the setting.
I hope that it can fix those typo in the script, so that it can release this restriction.
Or it'd be better if it can provide correct information/requirement in the installation guide.
Thanks a lot!
Some varibles in DotNetNuke.Schema.SqlDataProvider which has inconsistant name:
@ModuleDefID vs @ModuleDefId
@moduleId vs @moduleid
@URLTrackingID vs @UrlTrackingID
@RoleName vs @Rolename
@UserID vs @UserId
@PortalID vs @PortalId vs @portalid
@EntryID vs @EntryId