Crispy wroteThere is no ban setting. When the module was designed, it was assumed that the site permissions and user manager would handle this. I really don't want to handle a check against each page for this as its extremely inefficient. You should disable the site user account from the User Manager. If I don't want someone in forums, I probably don't want them on my site at all. I would also suggest looking into changing their roles as another alternative and locking your forum tab down. Depends on your situation.
Yes I suppose the sitepermissions and user admin should handle this, but it doesnt really ...
Features of banning would include:
- able to be used by the moderator role (or a new super moderator role), ie its
not possible to give admin priviledges to all mods just so they can ban. .. this is the main reason why just using the built in user admin isnt quite good enough
- start and end date, or permanent ban
- immediate forced log off of the banned user (so they cant continue posting if they were already logged in) - this also removes the need to check banned status before each page load
- optional ip ban, ip range ban, email address ban
- a viewable banned user list with email and ip details (so mods can check if a suspicious new user is actually a banned user with a new account)
I will look into writing this functionality myself :)