Thank you, Sebastian. Your assurance that 4.0.3 skins/containers will work with 4.3.3 gave me the inspiration to work out the details. Here are the specific steps to do it:
You must have system level (or FTP) access to your DotNetNuke 4.0.3 installation. Browse down to the /portals/_default/[Containers|Skins] folders. Inside each you will find DNN-Green, DNN-Red, DNN-Yellow folders. Get into each of those folders and ZIP up the contents (I suggest you name the ZIPs:, Do this for all 3 Skins and all 3 Containers folder, for the colors Green, Red and Yellow (the colors that are NOT in DNN 4.3.3 by default; you will create a total of 6 ZIPs). Keep the Skin and Container ZIPs in separate folders (since skin/container ZIPs of the same color will have the same names).
Login to your DNN 4.3.3 installation as either Host or Admin. Since I want the skins to be available to all portals, I logged in as Host, then installed the skins/containers using the Host menu:
(Host > Skins > Upload Skin)
Browse to and then ADD each skin ZIP you created:,,
(Host > Skins > Upload Container)
Browse to and then ADD each container ZIP you created:,,
You should then have 5 skins and 5 containers available by default in your DNN 4.3.3 installation.