Hi again all,
Morgan, thanks for your well thought out post -- I apreciate it.
Marius, a few thoughts for you...
Your assumption is correct, I'm very serious. In my experience, flame-bait generally starts with someone saying something to incite the wrath of the readers. Conversely, I'm trying to get at the heart of why people have chosen DNN, whether it will work for me and how much trouble it will be.
> why do you want to be sold on it? Move on, find something that works for you.
Because I'm looking for a really good solution, not just any solution. Lots of things will work but I learned an important lesson in life watching my mother hammer nails into a wall with the heal of her shoe -- some tools are better than others and it's generally a good idea to choose the right/best tool for the job.
> Life's too short.
Hardly. I've been working with computers 26 years now and it hasn't flown by 
I've considered hiring an expert, thanks for backing up that thought. Now, how to go about finding the best one. See my delimna? I'm always looking for the best. It seems every time I go to a DNN developer site they suck. If you know of some good ones, please point them out to me.
Lastly, on the licensing issues, the finer points on those are lost on me. Either I have to pay for it or I don't. How many people can really sit down and discuss the differences between GPL and BSD? Okay, you can 
I'm going to start a new thread which is quite more specific and maybe that will help.
Thanks all!