It is a wonderful thing to maintain anonymity online; however, DNNs attempt in v4.3.4 to retrieve user names from Active Directory has taken this one step too far.
Perhaps, I am missing something. I tried the AddUser change, but that change won't work since the first and last name of the user is not being retrieved anyway. The AD account gets created in DNN, but all that is used is the logon name (DOMAIN\username). This is a good start, but I just need more info pulled into DNN.
Has anyone been able to modify their system (without accessing DNN code) in order to solve this issue?
By the way, are Tam Tran Minh and Joe Brinkman still working on this part of the project? The last (and only) blog entry from Tam is November 2005. A bit old, I would say, especially since so many updates have come out since then. More recent input (even if it is a "Hey, stay tuned, we're working on it!") would be extremely welcome.