Thanks... I think.
* In progress
* Done. Same problem
* Done. Found one, his isn't resolved either.
* Done. Not much more information than what I found here.
* Done. I'm on 4.3.5. No luck.
* I'll do this, but I was hoping to find an answer in/from the forums first. That way others can benefit from the solution as well.
* Done. They have some clients using DNN successfully, some that aren't and they don't know why. And they don't seem interested in finding out. And even if they knew the answer, they wouldn't change the configuration of a shared server. Although that begs the question of: If it does truly work for some clients, then are the server configurations different (non-standard on their own network)?
* I tried adding a session variable (per another suggestion in the forum). No luck. Any other suggestions? (please?)
* Done. No change.
* I could do this, but it's not desirable.
* Fresh 4.3.4 install, this version never worked (on Brinkster)
* Works locally.
Thanks again, I'll send an email to cnurse.