Just a reminder to a problem I highlighted earlier in the year. This still seems to be a problem on 3.20.08 on 4.3.4. I've included the text from the orginal post below. I've also give my words on my solution. I can provide the code if required.
Not vital for most, but I know I will have to correct before I upgrade.
I've been having a go with your What's New module, and I've come up with a problem which, whilst caused by use of that module, is a fault in the main Forum.
If you place the What's New module on a page other than the forum page (a likely place is your Home Page), then if it is that page which causes the statistics to get updated by the What's New module calling Forum module code, then the links in the Statistics area are set to the page the What's New module is on.
Link should be - http://localhost/NewForum/tabid/329/ctl/UserProfile/mid/707/userid/2/Default.aspx
But end up as - http://localhost/Home/tabid/36/ctl/UserProfile/userid/2/mid/707/Default.aspx
Easy way to test on dev machine. Put the What's New module on a different page. Update web.config, then refresh that page. Swap to Forum page, and try the links.
I think it is this code in ForumStatisticsInfo.vb that is causing the problem
Private Sub GenerateString()
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings
Dim _tabID As Integer = _portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID
sMostViewedThreadURL = forumURL(mMostViewsThreadId, mMostViewsSubject, mMostViewsThreadForumID, _tabID)
sMostActiveThreadURL = forumURL(mMostActiveThreadId, mMostActiveSubject, mMostActiveThreadForumID, _tabID)
End Sub
The main forum is affected by using activetab.tabid to populate the url's. I've implemented a fix in my code which resolves the problem, but I don't believe it is ideal. Basically I store the tabid at configuration time, and then use this instead of the activetab in the places that populate the statistics information. Basically I do this because I can't see how to get the tabid for a given moduleid, so it seems best to store it when you know you are on the correct tab.