If your web.config has empulse_dnnuser as the objectQualifier, then all your objects need to be owned by that user.
Below is a script that will make a procedure that will allow you to change all the ojects to the correct user.
After running the below script to create all the chObjOwner procedure you'll need to do two steps:
1. Run the procedure in query analyzer like this: EXEC chObjOwner 'dbo', 'empulse_dnnuser'
This wiil produce a list of commands to change each object.
2. Copy the output and paste into the query window then execute all of those.
CREATE proc chObjOwner( @usrName varchar(20), @newUsrName varchar(50))
-- @usrName is the current user
-- @newUsrName is the new user
set nocount on
declare @uid int -- UID of the user
declare @objName varchar(50) -- Object name owned by user
declare @currObjName varchar(50) -- Checks for existing object owned by new user
declare @outStr varchar(256) -- SQL command with 'sp_changeobjectowner'
set @uid = user_id(@usrName)
declare chObjOwnerCur cursor static
select name from sysobjects where uid = @uid
open chObjOwnerCur
if @@cursor_rows = 0
print 'Error: No objects owned by ' + @usrName
close chObjOwnerCur
deallocate chObjOwnerCur
return 1
fetch next from chObjOwnerCur into @objName
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @currObjName = @newUsrName + "." + @objName
if (object_id(@currObjName) > 0)
print 'WARNING *** ' + @currObjName + ' already exists ***'
set @outStr = "sp_changeobjectowner '" + @usrName + "." + @objName + "','" + @newUsrName + "'"
print @outStr
print 'go'
fetch next from chObjOwnerCur into @objName
close chObjOwnerCur
deallocate chObjOwnerCur
set nocount off
return 0