mikeh wrote
C: Domain users should login with Domain\Username. What error do they get when they try to log in and what does the Eventlog on the site say?
D: I believe it's still encrypted in the aspnet_Users or aspnet_Membership table.
C - I thought that AD users had to navigate to ~/Admin/Security/WindowsSignOn.aspx in order to re-sign on, rather than trying to use the regular Login box. Either that or clear out your cookies, and then hitting the web site will throw you there and set yourself up anyway.
D - From what I understood, the password that is encrypted in aspnet_Membership was a randomly generated one by DotNetNuke (someone said it in one of the threads here), and that it wasn't used as the person logging in was validated against AD.
B sounds quite interesting, I'd like to see some 'OnLogin' style events that we could hook something up to somewhere... Could be useful for something instead of having to hack the code to do so.
Is it just my install or is there a problem deleting a domain user from dotnetnuke? I'm running DNN 4.4.1, XP, IIS 5, the usual I think. I have this 'fix' installed also, but this was happening before then. When I first hit the site, it correctly creates the user in all the required tables: aspnet_membership/users, users, userroles, etc. But when I log in as host, and try to delete that user: DOMAIN\username, it removes it from the dnn tables, but not the aspnet ones, and then says 'an error occurred deleting user' or something like that. It's odd because it seems to have deleted the dnn users, but I don't know where this error is then coming from, and whether it is supposed to delete the records from the aspnet tables too.
Excellent module all round though, kudos guys n girls :)