lneville wrote
I don't think anything is corrupted. It
is possible to register a user using a username that is already
registered in another portal. This is what you do (this works in DNN 3.3.4 and I think it worked under previous versions also):
user must register in portal #2 with the same username AND password as
they have in portal #1. Other details (such as email address) do not
seem to have to match.
If the username and password match an
existing account in portal #1, membership of portal #2 is added to the
existing account. A new account is actually not created, and you can
verify this by seeing that the user's ID number is the same in the Edit
User page on both portals.
Thereafter, changes to the User
Credentials (First Name, Last Name, Display Name, Email Address and
Password) on portal #1 also apply to portal #2 (because it is the same
user account in both portals).
Thank you for the reply. It has helped me understand the problem a bit more, but I am still unable to fix it. My corruption is limited to the two accounts that were in use in the portal that was deleted: "admin" and "craig". I am still able to register with usernames, other than those two, in the new portal.
I did a bit more experimenting. It appears that the username/password/last edited, etc information was deleted from the database for both my admin account and my "craig" account. All other information is still in the database. E.g. my "craig" account in particular has thousands of posts, owns photos in my galleries, has all profile properties, etc. I just can't login with that account anymore apparently because it has no entry in whatever table is responsible for keeping the encrypted versions of the password.
I'm wondering if I can just register a new account, and then go into the database and get the guid that represents the userid of my corrupt "craig" account and set the new account to use that userid. I *believe that the username/password entry is what is missing and this would restore them. I think the only way I'm going to get to the bottom of this is to right down the userids, applicationids, etc and comb through the database until I figure out which entry is missing for these two users. That's why I was hoping to find someone who knew a fair amount about the DNN schemas in 3.3.4. I'm pretty sure that something like this is the only way I'm going to rescue my "admin" and "craig" accounts.