lilryno wrote
WebSecureStores does a very good job. That's not to say I haven't had my issues. But they are very solid. Been hosting with them for a couple years now - two sites.
Yes, but I have sent a request today, and they answered:
"Hello, currently we cant take any more orders check back in a month Thank You, WebSecureStores Support "

I will check hosting provider given here, and I am also taking some time to investigate in details, by sending email to some of them with various questions like:
1- Is it possible to install DNN at the root of the web site ?
2- Does the install is automatic ? Which version ?
3- Are new modules supported (any modules can be installed) ?
Possibility to manually install them ?
4- How is done the backup of the database, I mean, what are the extension of the backup files ? Is it possible to download it using FTP (for example)
5- What is the size of the database (does the size of the web including the size of the database ?)
6- Is it possible to have email using IMAP ?
How many aliases possible, what is the size of the mailbox, and maximum size of email sent ?
7- Is there a SMTP relaying limit ?
8- Finally, is it possible to define multiple ftp account (each account having specific rights in different folder) ?
I will keep you informed if you wish.
Best Regards,
Déclic Vidéo FX
PS: Mike (BOSSUpport), you said that you was satisfied with PowerDNN, but it seems that your website is not done on DNN, correct ???
PS Bis: Leazon, I agree with you when you are talking of the price of a hosting provider, nevertheless, Power DNN is 20 dollars/mo compared to other (anyway, I will also investigate this hosting).
Excuse my english, I am a french native speaker.