ezDNNReports is the not only the most unique and flexible reporting tool available for the DNN platform--it's a true paradigm shift!!
ezDNNReports is made up of two components:
- A ReportBuilder client that you install on your workstation
- A module that installs into your portal and easily accepts your uploaded report definition file
We think you'll love the ReportBuilder, an easy to use tool used to create, edit, load, and save report definition files. These files are XML files that may contain multiple reports and can be read directly by the ezDNNReports module.
One of the best parts? The ReportBuilder can import report definitions from Microsoft Access MDB files and from CrystalReports RPT files.
Oh, and the ReportBuilder is incredibly similar to the Microsoft Access report designer, including a Wizard to get you started!! Doesn't everyone know Access?
Two more things...the ReportBuilder can connect to any data source and the reports can be exported to multiple formats, including HTML, drill-down HTML, PDF, Excel, text, and RTF.
See it at http://www.ezdnnmodules.com/Default.aspx?tabid=151
Now available at Snowcovered.