You mention that this file does not exist, yet I see it in the root.
I've been using a base install of dnn for a while, and adding modules to that base.
When I upgrade, I simply overwrite the base with the latest install ... using the latest release.config renamed to web.config, and making the appropriate database and machine key changes. All seems to work well.
However, I am running into an issue where document downloads seem to be "throttled" when going through linkclick.aspx anywhere in the site ... document module, file manager, etc. Even when URL tracking, user clicks, etc are not selected for the document in the documents module.
Of course when I access the file directly via the url .../portals/0/myfile.txt, it downloads at 10mb/sec, when going thought the documents module or file manager it is throttled to 80kb/sec ...
At first I though this may be a trusted site, routing, dns issue, but apparently not. This is an intranet web site.
Based on this thread, I am hearing that this file does not exist? Yet it did, or does exist in the root (dated 12/22/05 on my Install base).
Could this old version be in use as opposed to the httpHandler mentioned above? Or am I missing some other dnn or IIS setting that could be causing this serious performance limitation?
I thought the documents module also used to reference the physical URL, when none of the individual link tracking options were in place for that document.
Any insight would be helpful.