ErikVB wrote
For those of you that read this prior to installing the module, just add this to the .dnn file:
(in the already existing <files> section of the file)
I have many problem to have a HELP module V2.0.4 fully functionnal (and it seems that I am not the only one). So, I carefully read all threads here and have the following questions/suggestions:
I looked at the help.dnn file (in version 2.0.4), and the parameter you mention is present. Am I missing something in another file ?
I have tried to include the following (04 instead of 03), without more succes:
So, finally, I have deleted my HELP module, and I have proceed as follows, and no, everything seems to be ok (Help module fully functionnal after one day of test). I hope it can help yairt or other people having similar problems:
1- I deleted my HELP module
2- I accessed my database (generally, your provider gives you the possibility to access your database using a web tool). Run the following:
drop procedure dbo.helpxxxx
(replace xxx with all the procedure which have not been deleted by the process at step 1)
3- Download the latest version of Help module (today 2.0.4)
4- Install the HELP module as usual (you will have error messages).
5- To correct the error messages you had before, you must install one sp by typing the following in your portal (logged as HOST, sql module, and run as script selected - do not forget the two carriage return at the end of the text):
CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Help_SearchTutorials]
@Search nvarchar(100)
0 AS ViewOrder
FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Help_Tutorials
WHERE ({databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Help_Tutorials.Title LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
({databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Help_Tutorials.KeyWords LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%') OR
({databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Help_Tutorials.ShortDesc LIKE N'%' + @Search +
'%') OR
({databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Help_Tutorials.Description LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
6- Finally, alter one procedure to have the buttons up/down correctly shown in your category module. Type the following in your portal (logged as HOST, sql module, and run as script selected - do not forget the two carriage return at the end of the text):
ALTER PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Help_ListCategoryActiveByParent]
@ModuleID int,
@ParentID int
SELECT [CategoryID],
FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Help_Category
WHERE [Parent] = @ModuleID AND [ModuleID] = @ParentID
AND [Deleted] <> 1
AND [Visible] <> 0
[Parent] ASC,
[Order] ASC
7- Finallym you should verify that your help module is linked to the correct category. To do so, open the settings in your help module (not the category module), and verify that the "set the category module" is not empty. UPDATE (even if you did not make any changes). Then, you should have a fully functionnal HELP module.
Hope it can help some of you,
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