If someone else wishes to interpret my answers to Jan's questions in these threads feel free. For none of my answers appear to be making sense to him. Also see this thread.
My understanding is Jan is having a problem with the fact that the Treeview skin object does not function in the same manner as the Nav skin object, meaning that specific properties to the treeview skin object are not accessible in the nav skin object. Also, that substituing a tree view provider in the control with a menu (for example) shouldn't require any modifications to any properties/css.
As I have tried to state in the other posts. The fact that the nav object allows for a single interface (programmers term) to interact with the underlying control, does not gurarantee that the control will interpret or use the properties in the same manner. Also, having a single interface to handle all possible properties for every control is not practical. Page 14 of the Navigation Webcontrols document shows what happens when these properties are made too specific (look at all the Solpart specific properties exposed, i.e. only supported by solpart). These properties are there strictly for backwards compatibility.
What is ironic about this whole thing (at least to me) is that the way I am understanding Jan, is that he wishes the specific properties to the Treeview to be exposed by the Nav object, then at the same time he wants every control to utilize every property in the same manner.
Another factor to this whole dilema is that we need to ensure backwards compatibility in the DNN skinning. Some design decisions were simply left as is due to this constraint.
I do have to admit that after spending a couple hours trying to assist I have become very frustrated, especially when my responses are replied to with something like
I like spending my free time productively, especially when it helps the community. I feel my free time is better spent finishing up the DNNTabStrip and other areas of DNN/ClientAPI.
Like I started out this thread, if someone else wishes to interpret my answers feel free.