I've just recently worked out that the timezone set in Admin/Site Settings/Advanced Settings/Other settings should be set for the timezone of where the server is located for each portal.
It also seems that the timezone in the host/portal settings and the site settings are linked together (change one you change the other, they are one and the same).
My questions are:
a) Why is the servers time zone set on a per portal basis, why isn't this a one off time zone setting for the server under Host/Settings?
b) When a user registers with the site, he/she will have the servers timezone set as default. How can I change the default time zone setting (to a time zone other than the server setting) when a new user registers?
To give some background here, 99% of my registered users are based in the UK, and therefore I need the default setting to be UK when somebody registers. When they submit content via a module such as the events module, the date needs to be correct for them. However the server is hosted in the states, therefore the servers clock is set differently.
I'll appeciate any help you can give me here.
Cheers and thanks!