I have proposed a couple of potential fixes to the Core team, with no positive response.
1) So, I have a question for you....What TimeZone are you in?
2) Can you look in your TimeZones.xml File (located in the \dnnroot\App_GlobalResources directory) and tell me what the Offset is?
3) Is the Offset Correct (in other words is this offset correct compared to GMT)?
If not, you can manually change the Offsets in the TimeZones file to compensate for Daylight Savings Time (DST).... Since I will not alter a Core File (TimeZones.xml), I have been waiting for a Core fix on this one.
Alternatively, we can provide a setting in the module to compensate for the TimeZone DST Adjustment....There would acttually be 3 new entries in the Settings for the Module: 1) DST Offset, 2) DST Start Date/Time and 3) DST End Date/Time...these would default to 0, current date, current date...in order to have no affect. But for users that are frustrated w/the lack of DST support for the Export could be set and would correctly fix this issue....
How does this sound? Remember this module is only as good as the effort folks are willing to put into it...thanks.