I am trying to install DotNerNuke 4.4 on my web hosting company.
I have a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database called “f1support”
I have copied the files to the web root and made the this changes to the web.config file
<!--Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005-->
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<!--Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005 - kept for backwards compatability - legacy modules-->
When I go to the site I get this 2 errors
Error Installing DotNetNuke
Current Assembly Version: 04.04.00
ERROR: Could not connect to database specified in connectionString for SqlDataProvider
Server Error in '/' Application.
Access to the path 'D:\www2\f1-support.dk\web\www\Compression.config' is denied.
I have tried to find something in the forum and on the net but I don’t have any clue of what to do :-(. I anybody have a clue of what to do I would be very happy :-)