Hi all
Wonder if you could spare a few seconds to help me.Forgive if a basic question.
I am creating a simple module to teach myself. I call it contactus.
For this module I have added database scripts, modified DataProvider, ContactusInfo.vb and Contactus controller and am now looking at the sqldataprovider. I come to the add method and im a bit confused as to the parameters to add..
The default method here is :
Public Overrides Sub AddXContactus(ByVal ModuleId As Integer, ByVal CompanyName As String, ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, ByVal Email As String, ByVal Refer As String, ByVal Notes As String, ByVal UserId As Integer)
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConnectionString, GetFullyQualifiedName("AddXContactus"), ModuleId, Content , UserId)
End Sub
Can anyone give me an example of what to replace content with ? It says in intellisense it expects a parameter object of parameter values.
I know this is probably a silly question for all you experts but would be great for me to understand.
Many thanks